On December 17th, ATEL held the 2016 LCCI Award Ceremony at Unesco Palace-Beirut and was delighted to welcome the guest speaker Mr. Souheil Matar, vic...
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En vue de former des citoyens cultivés, autonomes et responsables, notre collège SSCC Ain Najm a lancé le mardi 13 décembre 2016, ...
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“Le récit n'est plus l'écriture d'une aventure, mais l'aventure d'une écriture.”de Jean RICARDOU Se basant sur cette citati...
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Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you use to change the world.” Like every year, SSCC Ain Najm involv...
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The delegation of Germany representing SSCC Ain Najm excelled at all levels during the final conference at LAU. The students were very well prepared a...
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The VEX robotics team of SSCC Ain Najm kicked off its adventure in late 2015. It was a step forward for a high school that looked everywhere to improv...
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After three months of non-stop eagerness shown by the delegates, the expected trip to Athens finally kicked off on March the 3rd. We were all ready to...
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Prior to our participation in MUN Athens, we took part in a series of training sessions with former MUNers. Thank you Stephanie Khoury, Elias Jabbour ...
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When we first joined MUN, we knew it was going to be a unique journey that will shape us greatly; however, we couldn’t imagine it was going to b...
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