Yesterday, in the Grand Rex Award ceremony in Paris, and out of 84621 youth and 2420 schools, Saints Coeurs Ain Najm won 4 awards in the international competition, “Je Filme Le Métier Qui Me plaît” for the video “BEIRUT Will Rise”:
▪️Grand Prix ParcoursMétiers Awards-“Métiers”2021
▪️Clap d'or de la communication
▪️Clap d'argent, catégorie des “Ingénieurs (es) à l’honneur “
▪️ Mention spéciale, catégorie du "Patrimoine".
Great job to our grade 11 students:
Joy Samia, Jenny Elia, Maria Rita Kodeih, Elie Chaaya and Peter Ouweida.
A big thank you to Ms Karla Sfeir for her guidance and thorough follow-up.